Endgame AO build tierlist

These are my personal opinions to how powerful these builds will be endgame and I have an explanation for each one.

The Explanation in question:

Mage LOL dont even.
Savant 3 stat distribution savants will RULE AO
Paladin Just mage with more health, atrocious now, will be godly in the future.
Conjurer Self explanatory, weapons and magic. Would be in top tier but there are weapon sets so I put it in amazing as the quality of this build can depend on the weapon
Warlord Same issue but with the addition of fighting styles. It can be a hit or miss but like everything else in amazing tier you can hit WAY better than you can miss.
Warlock Fucking- you get the picture.
Knight now it’s ENTIRELY dependant on what weapons you use. If you use the best ones at lategame it can easily be top tier, however there’s no denying there will be some weapons in the game that are complete dogshit. On the plus side, you have more health.
Warriors I WANTED to put this class in amazing. I REALLLY fucking wanted to. But I am beginning to have doubts that this class will be good endgame mostly due to their complete lack of range outside of bows and guns. Meaning, if you want to fight a mage you’re going to have to be capable of hitting them with a gun. Which is by no means easy unless you played wom before.
Berserker Im sorry but I just cant. I cant see this class being anything above inbetween. You still have to get close to your opponent, and hope to GOD they dont out dps you. Dps is one of the only things going for berserker and until we see a fighting style that proves that wrong I will continue to think this
Warden Never once, never could be, and never will be good. Like YEAH you have 100k hp. You also do FUCKING NOTHING. Like holy fuck! Anyone who goes this class is just trying to make every single fight they get into the most boring and obnoxious snoozefest possible. If you go this class, I dont like you. Nor do I respect you.
I am certain anyone going juggernaut lategame hates themselves more than anyone could possibly hate them


here are my thoughts:
so basically put all of the builds in one tier :+1:


Definitely agree with savant being top tier theirs no why it wouldn’t be in endgame

When I made this I only went off of everything we know about how the endgame of AO could turn out.
Lemme just say.
unless spirit weapons get a better redefine, im not seeing warden being a viable class ever

spirit weapons: scale off vitality, takes away hp when used, something unique, gets it at base (like magic)

  • AR Legendary Weapons

If I was allowed I would’ve suggested a warden/vitality suggestion for spirit weapons by now. That suggestion would’ve included chain blades (imagine Claws of Hades from GOW 3) as a lost weapon with the option to swap some skills for rare/lost variants.
Basic weapons would be fixed (maybe some rare skills you can nab)
lost+ spirit weapons would have custom skills

I’m going to be really honest here but I think juggernauts will always be just “bad” compared to everyone else, mainly because the damage reduction that vitality causes is really not great for the strength class considering strength is all about being a rushdown high damage type stat.

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Yeah I agree on Jugg
I definitely hate myself and my 86 damage 20% iron leg shots

what if vitality spirit weapons is literally just nen from hxh

This is like betting only betters know when to stop.

list is ass. doesn’t take into account lost and ancient spell customization, artisan or legendary weapons, or fighting style evolutions. even based off speculation it should look more like this

Top Tier - Mage, Conjurer, Warrior, Warlock
Amazing - Savant, Warlord, Knight, Paladin, Berserker
Great - Juggernaut, Warden

nothing will really be below great imo

I did.
I considered every possible build combination for each class and put them at their peaks.

Mage is undeniably at the top. No way out of it.
Savant is at second place solely because they can distribute into 3 stats. 2000 points and you can do
800 magic
600 strength
600 weapon
You can get an ancient magic, a lost fighting style, and 3 legendary weapons with full skills. Might I remind you with the second awakening you can imbue your 2 magics/fighting styles into your weapons alongside your 1 magic/fighting style Not even taking into consideration the lost spells and techniques you’ll have access to at that point. A jack of all trades is a master of none but can very well be better than a master of one

Oh and paladin doesn’t really need an explanation. Sure it does less damage but unlike knight (in some cases) or juggernaut you don’t need to out dps them. Even then you’ll probably still do a crap ton of damage since you use magic

Everything in amazing is simply because they only have one minor flaw and if your good it basically doesn’t even fucking matter

I put berserker in inbetween because it’s one of the one builds I feel that can be drastically fucked up lategame. Fighting styles even post nerf require you to be very up close with your opponent so dealing with things like mages and warriors that use guns tend to be more risky with this class

But juggernaut is fucking garbage and I’m dying on this hill. There’s NO reason to go this class over berserker. It’s literally a downgrade in every single way possible.
You do less damage which is the ONE thing that berserker needs for fighting styles to be effective.

And the extra health you get won’t matter because they’re going to melt it with their nigh undodgable blasts anyways

Sure you can still get lost and ancient fighting styles but the fact of the matter is it’s completely pointless to go this class over berserker. It has no special effect or mechanism and I fail to see how spirit weapons are supposed to benefit fighting styles in any way.

Regardless this is my opinion. So agree to disagree

No Ancient Magics (they will be at 1200 Magic), no Ancient Spells (?), no Lost Fighting Style evolutions (Lost FS evolutions will be at 1200 Strength), no Legendary Weapons (they will be at 1200 Weapon), and no customization for Lost Techniques. Savant is going to be good but it will never have the best tools available. It has flexibility above all else.

No. You get a choice of imbuements. Great for flexibility, but you can’t combine multiple imbuements.

No Ancient Spell customization, presumably, and no Rare / Lost / Ancient Spells for your Ancient Magic. Paladin will be strong but I don’t feel any Vitality hybrid will ever be a best-of-the-best build as Spirit Weapons will likely be gimmicky and you lose so much damage.

You’ll still be able to get Lost Fighting Style evolutions, as well as access to Spirit Weapons, giving it far more flexibility than Berserker. Juggernaut will be fine. It also synergizes best with Impact Fist.

I respect your opinion, but logically this is kinda the progression of things. No build is really going to be bad, and are all going to have their own pros, cons, and playstyles.

good god spirit weapons arent enough vetex needs to do something for vit builds

Yknow pristine when you say shit like this you should REALLLY provide a source. Because I just looked through the trello and found nothing to indicate any of this shit is true

Both just say you need to have a higher magic level. Plus the fact they’re planned to be usable by hybrids make me find the idea of them needing twice the requirement to use them redundant. (They won’t be able to use them until they’re level 1000 otherwise they’ll be a pure mage going by your logic)

No pristine

Fighting styles and magic into weapon skills and magic into fighting styles. This means we can imbue one magic into one weapon, and another magic into a different one, and can imbue our fighting style into the last one, while also imbuing our magic into our fighting style. If it said or this would be a different story.

:fr: if HYBRIDS can do it. PALADIN a HYBRID can.

You will only be able to get 1 lost fighting style while berserker can get 2 or 1 ancient and 1 lost. Also quite bold of you to assume but V isn’t gonna make an ancient fighting style that puts impact to shame.
Also I still fail to see how spirit weapons are going to benefit a class that doesn’t use magic or weapons. But we’ll just have to see ig :man_shrugging:

If the requirement was 800 or 1000, Hybrids could use Ancient Magics, Lost Fighting Style evolutions, or Legendary Weapons in tandem, which I highly doubt is intended. A 1200 requirement for each of these is the most logical progression. A Conjurer wielding Promethean Flame while also being able to run Legendary Weapons is just logically not going to happen. It’s going to be one or the other.

Your Ancient Magic will be on your second slot as a Paladin. Last I heard, you still cannot use Lost or Ancient Magics as your first mind. That being said, the requirements will likely be too high for you to use any Rare, Lost, or Ancient Spells on your Ancient Magic’s slot, due to the increased requirement (which will presumably be increased further in regards to Lost and Ancient Magics), and you will be stuck with base spells.

Y’all are going to be very disappointed when it just ends up having been a very simple typo on Vetex’s part. Savant’s second awakening is already incredibly powerful. You get Conjurer, Warlock, and Warlord’s awakenings all as one. The flexibility is unmatched, and it provides you a huge amount of options as far as your imbues go. You’re not going to be able to combine them.

Yes, but you can also evolve that Lost Fighting Style.

Ancient Fighting Styles don’t exist. Evolutions do.

That’s going to be the point of Impact Fist’s evolution. Which Juggernaut will be able to get…

I severely doubt by the time we reach endgame, that Vetex is going to leave a class in the dust. Even if the potential for a class to outclass all others might be there, it’ll definitely be balanced out(like how mages are getting nerfed hard next update). Like pristine stated, probably nothing will be below great.


I highly doubt it isn’t. After all the main characters supposed to be a godlike character so if they’re a godlike hybrid I don’t see why a conjurer being able to use and imbue their ancient magic into their legendary weapon is a bad thing. It’s kinda expected for someone who at that stage can likely one tap everything in the bronze sea with a single attack.

Source this.

I don’t see why vetex would make it so the lost magic you already need to be at a high level to get, while also being more rare than a sunken, needs to be levelled further to even use a single one of its skills. Kinda defeats the purpose of mages being able to use losts at level 300 when they cant even use a single spell going off this logic.

Vetex saying savant would be the most flashy mid to lategame as well as the fact that it literally cant be a typo since this was planned to be the first awakening for savant and we’ve yet to see vetex EVER remotely imply it could be a typo says otherwise. That imbuement shits been up ever since awakenings were being planned out so if it really is a typo then either vetex hasn’t checked the awakening tab or someone REALLY needs to remind him to update the trello.

Going off this logic only makes my point of juggernaut being a downgrade more firm, assuming the same can be done for berserker a berserker can evolve 2 lost fighting styles.

Assuming evolutions don’t work like ancients anyway.

So you say juggernaut will be able to get the evolution and skills of impact fist but paladin wont be able to use any skills for their ancient magic??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pristine, your points are good but please, please provide some sources from this because your saying a lot of shit I am unaware of without showing where it’s coming from

Just because the main character is strong doesn’t mean hybrids will get access to the exclusive parts of each full stat class, because that would be stupid, and completely defeat the point of speccing into said classes.
Edit: also why are you saying “well story wise the character should be strong so therefore they would be able to use everything” that’s kinda a stupid argument

This isn’t about about powerscaling, it’s about game balance. From a balance perspective Ancient-imbued Legendary Weapons would never be in the realm of balance. Even if it were about powerscaling, we’re not the Peacekeeper.

Don’t have a source since it was probably something mentioned offhandedly in Patreon chat or something similar, and could always change. If I’m wrong I’m wrong.

If you could use any Rare, Lost, or Ancient Spells you wanted on your Ancient Magic as a hybrid, what would Mage have that is exclusive to the class? Nothing. Hybrids will not be able to use their Ancient Magics to their fullest. Maybe I’m wrong and they’ll be able to use some Rare or maybe even some Lost Spells, but I doubt they’ll have full access to their customization or Ultimate Art versions of these spells.

Different roles. I personally don’t care for Berserker because multiple Fighting Styles don’t flow nearly as fluidly as multiple Magics. More health, Spirit Weapons for added flexibility, and better synergy with certain Fighting Styles sounds like a fine deal to me. Implying Juggernaut is going to be in the shitter because it doesn’t have three Fighting Styles (once again, you really shouldn’t be using more than one) is funny to me.

As it stands, your second Fighting Style on Berserker should either be Iron Leg for its focus and nothing else, or Boxing for its blocking boost and nothing else (perhaps its Crash range if you run Iron Leg as your first Fighting Style). This is a trend that’s going to stick around.

Lost Fighting Style evolutions are presumably the equivalent of an Ancient Fighting Style. As such, I doubt you’ll be able to use them to the fullest as a hybrid either, but you’ll still be able to access all base skill types, same as Paladin.