Enhanced Archaic Mortar Breaks Ship Loading

What were you doing before bug occurred: I switched the mortar on my ship to Enhanced Archaic Mortar, then docked it.

Steps to reproduce: Switch mortar to Enhanced Archaic Mortar. Then dock ship. The ship should not have been docked previously with a different mortar.

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game):

There were several different issues that appeared once I’ve equipped those mortars.

  1. I cannot take command of my ship. Instead, when my player model is close to the ship, it locks me into position near the wheel, but without actually taking command (no controls, no UI).
  2. I cannot open the shops of shipbuilder NPCs.
  3. Deckhands may break and bounce around.

This bug persisted across multiple servers, and was resolved when I equipped a new mortar, switched to the Enhanced Archaic Mortar, and redocked my ship. After that, all behavior was restored to normal.
Not sure if it was a server error or something else.

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