Enizor's book

Since the leak of the new armor sets, it’s apparent that Enizor trifles with vitality, possibly being a paladin.

Could that mean that the book he holds is a spirit weapon, since they are rumoured to be in the form of grimoires and staffs?

prob not he says that he was a mage after all but idk he might be wrong

Any magic user is referred as a mage

no bec paladin and conjurers aren’t mages (savants too?)


bro they aren’t “referred” to as mages

Not gameplay wise, but storywise there are no names such as “conjurer” or “warlock”.
Any magic user is called a mage indifferently.
By that logic ren should be a warrior since he says that in our first encounter

but we know he uses magic tho 100%

I thought they were referred as like, wizard.

Basically in lore if you use magic you’re a mage since that is what you’ll capitalise on

You can learn weapons and fs alongside magic but it’ll be to a lesser extent since people will prioritise magic

Pure weapon and fs users or those who use both are the ones who are magicless, or those who couldn’t awaken their magic but still have magic energy so they train to use it

Well so far you dont see npcs in ao using the term wizard, so it could either be that the 7 seas and the war seas have different names for them or that wizards are just the most powerful of magic users

nah the term wizard was prob used in WOM and AA

Okay so, mage-lorist here

Mage refers to 2 things, a only-magic-user in game, and magic (open mind + casting) user in lore. From now on i will refer to lore magic users as “mages” to not confuse anyone, as in lore, we, player, are savants.

There is 2 ways of becoming “mage”, either at 5-7 years your eyes were glowing white and you awakened your mind, or to have “epiphany”, basicly canon event where your body and mind go through a lot of stress and your magic mind is opened, this happened to Enizor.

All enchanters use un-aligned magic circles, they are not tied to magic casting, so even person without magic mind can use them. You can see them as circles that manipulate “mana” in general, not the one bound to element.
For now we do not have any info if enchanting color (blue) is tied to Vitality. But my personal guess is that both Spirit (vitality) and Energy (mana) share same color - blue.
That would explain Death and Ap.Bringer sharing color scheme.

If someone did’nt know, Death is black-cyan, black is well…draining, and cyan meaning soul. Ap.Bringer on other hand is probably tied to Chaos, as at certain lvl of insanity you can have “soul cry” effect, which is litteraly black and cyan flames, and chaos is responsible for magic.

TL;DR, blue is just used by both mana and spirit, so no, enizor is not paladin.

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