Entire NW USA up in smoke

Taken in NYC by myself, my brother, and a friend
0 filters, all the result of smoke from forest fires in canada.


aw hell nah who turned on the mexico filter



This is what California looked like during the 2020 wildfires.

I live in the Midwest so at night the sky has started to look a bit orange-ish and during the day the sky looks a bit hazy. It’s all pretty crazy


yeah its insane

blame quebec

im blamin the nasty canadians

and i thought it was bad down here, damn
air only looks a bit more foggy than usual in MD, and then there’s this

Hi everyone! Person from new jersey here!

The air smells of burning coals.
The sun is clouded with filth.
The sky is colored with orange.

same and yeah it sucks

this will spiral into deep hatred towards canada

i already hated canadians



I love being Canadian and Canadian weather it’s so normal

@maple how do you feel about this

aww hell now thats a real problem.

theres been an air quality warning for a while now