Entire NW USA up in smoke

we had something similar to this in england back in 2017 after a tornado picked up a bunch of dust and chucked it at the sun

as an 8 year old at the time we thought it was the end of the world lmfao

I remember this as well

Yo you guys living in the devil’s armpits now?

yeah but i imagine you were somewhat able to breath, this smoke was makin my friends and I lightheaded and dizzy after just 20 minutes of being out

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As a new yorker who literally has never faced any disaster (literally nothing happens here), this shit was terrifying. The air smelled like burned wood and rubber, the sky was orange, and the sun was RED. This isn’t my image but an image for refrence:

It looked like someone released SCP 001 When day breaks over here :skull:

The smoke pretty much has ended here but it is still foggy


shit’s crazy over there. hope y’all are safe

I live in Canada. Right near the biggest forestfires in Ontario and Quebec.

How are all the pictures of the American North-West so much worse and more apocalyptic than somewhere (relatively) right next to the fires? I haven’t even seen a red sun.

what is that username :skull:

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I’d assume the wind blows the smoke south, away from wherever you are

This is what the sky looks like where I am.

I mean we had to put the smoke somewhere so we donated it to New York.

I remember that, it was crazy waking up and noticing the sky wasn’t light yet, looking out the window and seeing everything doused in an eerie orange glow. Obviously it’s bad that stuff was on fire, but that will be a day I remember for the rest of my life.

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im getting air quality warnings all the way in charlotte north carolina

not surprised

Bro it’s literally mad max

Probably felt like the end times

how is toronto better than the us east coast this doesnt feel right

New York has fallen

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thank god i dont live anywhere near the US and canada