i’ve been playing way too much baldur’s gate 3 it’s infected my noggin also good luck trying to read this there’s a lot of words here
something that’s been tickling my brain recently is the potential for interacting with the environment in arcane odyssey. obviously, you can break terrain/structures which is useful in tons of ways (climbing big walls for new foothold, for instance) but i think it’d be neat to expand on the functionality with different items.
(this was a genuine accident, i meant to t jump before dropping it lmao) i think gunpowder barrels shed a good amount of light on this idea. if you have enough height while holding it, you can drop it instead of placing it, and it falling will explode on impact with ground (first time i tried this it fell in water). overall i feel like gunpowder barrels are really underutilized because it’d be incredibly awkward to use in battle and you don’t often go for them over cargo, but they highlight the potential to be used. i’ve had this thought in my head of something like rolling these down a ramp to defend yourself from incoming enemies to your clan claimed base (very situational, but the idea still stands)
if you realllllly stretch the definition, you could say cannon fist does use this idea-for instance, the cannonball you use will change how your attack lands. i think it’d be interesting to expand on this sort of idea (probably in the far future/low priority; performance issues would definitely come about). even something as simple as being able to place an inventory item to a friend quickly, such as during a dark sea run.
but regarding current version, there’s still plenty of ways to use the environment to your advantage, even something as simple as taking high ground to avoid a threat or positioning your boat to sail away from a threat at a moment’s notice
i’m kind of wandering around here but one thing i want to emphasize is how important environment is to arcane odyssey (i’m trying to make a whole spiel about my thoughts on combat and similar aspects in ao which’d definitely include this but that’s a whole nother beast. one thing i want to note is compare how a battle would go in berserker v mage while on a large open field or trapped in a small room or on 2 adjacent brigs) - compared to world of magic there’s a lot more diversity to environment and that i feel is what makes arcane odyssey so refreshing in various ways.