Red circle: turning items into gold, the philosophers stone does that.
Blue Circle: not entirely sure the p’s stone does that, but sounds like a thing it would do.
Blue and Red Circle: Prolong lifespan indefinably? Another thing the P’s stone does.
It kinda fits with enzinor’s personality, and that’s my best theory on what he’s looking for.
Black shards look similar to golden petals, and give the opposite affect. If we find any golden petals in e’s possesion, that’s basically definitive evidence as he doesn’t leave the ship when in the dark sea so he couldn’t have collected them himself.
oh fuck you’re right lol
the fact he says “transmuting materials into different things” almost confirms the fact hes searching for the philosopher’s stone or some other alchemic stand in
Theory: This will come up later and might provide insight into the Order’s goals, also some of the Order members will be artificial humans just like in Fullmetal alchemist. Enizor also states he’s going to share it with us too, maybe it’ll be like a gameplay simplified version of a curse with some kind of negative side affect besides being allergic to water?
Or perhaps since the order wants to advance magic at all costs, what if they’re trying to get the philosophers stone to make artificial curse users for some weird purpose?
Let’s take a crack theory and say that Enizor wants it so badly to the point that he’ll have an entire negative character arc, slowly detailing his fear of death and the descent into insanity to achieve eternal life? so maybe he’s lying about sharing it with us? This is why you don’t trust your elders and old people.