Epic forum quotables

If that’s what society’s accepted looks like I think I’ll go ally myself with the hecking Joker.

From now on, I’m only adding people when there’s new message threads.

For Misinput

To answer your question, we’re less likely to be groomed on the forums than in a private Discord server.

DA lmao

^ poor and obscure and unlikable social reject

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put me in coach


Me being invited to that chat nearly made me distort.

bro is turning into a fog monster


WhY yEs


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You vastly underestimate what’s quotable

Dang he must got that 69 meter defeater

He smoked them out with that one


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IT WAS A METAPHOR :sob::sob: FOR BEING IN AN ECHO CHAMBER :rage::rage::pouting_cat::pouting_cat::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin:

Have you considered using the term “circlejerk” instead if you wanted a lewd innuendo for an echo chamber?

Okay but I was looking for adverbs and wasn’t gonna say ‘stroking each other’ cuz thats worse

feeding each other’s ego?