Epic forum quotables

Misinput acknowledging we’re different people :sob:

‘Post can’t be empty’

aye kenton… the cabin boy wants me flagmast up his rudder, kenton… say it louder for the deckhands in the back, kenton…


If it’s quotable it’s quotable

French toast

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The Great French Toast Debate of 2024

I don’t even know what aura rating to give that, how does that still exist?

Hmmm… French, -10000 Aura.


Ravencrest? More like cravin’ bre-

Yknow what I’m tired of getting the mods to do it I’m crushing your skull myself.

Counterpoint: I remove your skin with the skin curse

Bold of you to assume I HAVE skin

I cover you in donkey fetus skin

Where to show up if you have beef (very real)
(Do not gather in locations internet strangers tell you to)

tenor (1)

where do you get that from

Donkey fetus’s duh

this isn’t even epic…