Epic forum quotables


Bro’s joy is through the roof

but no

I can choose to view your replies

rlly funny



Bro really wanted something immersive

what does this mean!?

did bro go to jerome horwitz elementary in piqua or some shit :sob:

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mr krupp is going to get him for this

benjamin krupp would support that shit 100%

not my goat captain underpants though, hes going to fliporama him

captain underpants flyswatting stocksounds moth

Ngl are George and Harold canonically racist because they bullied professor poopypants due to his ethnicity (his last name)

Maybe that’s where stock got it from

Morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock morock

Yes what a wonderful day to be skittlesnakes!

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remember when ook and gluk got discontinued because it was racist?
im chinese and that was the greatest shit i ever read


Wait they discontinued that


Continuing the discussion from Message from StockSound:

“Doing it for attention” is wild coming from stocksounds

read the first quote in Chuck McGill’s voice

I am not racist! I know he swapped those messages!

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