Epic forum quotables

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

are you racist
@discobot fortune

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

are you racist answer me omg
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

Putting this here before anyone else does because I’m not a coward

self quote instant uncool

hi po

just realized rb1 himself made this topic

omg yeah

And I am of the objective, professional, political, and anything but personal opinion.
I mean, come on, an opinion isn’t yours if it isn’t yours. There’s no need to specify that it’s personal, it always will be.

Alright Mr grammar Nazi why say “I mean” if the fact that you mean it is implied by you saying it in the first place?

Simple: In order to clarify the meaning of my earlier sentence. Think of the latin ‘id est’ that is still used up to this day in modern English works.
What you should have picked on instead of ‘I mean’ is ‘come on’, though I could still argue that it can be used to convey specific feelings, namely: disappointment, hurry, impatience, and perhaps more that did not come across my mind at the time of typing this.

Alright but why have the earlier sentence in the first place if you were just going to immediately discredit it with one entirely dedicated to clarifying it’s already flimsy meaning? Face it, English is full of entirely unnecessary terms dedicated solely to allowing one time to think during speech that got unnecessarily carried over into text, where they are obsolete but still inherently part of how we talk regardless.

Me when I can’t stop yapping

That would be to shortly convey my message to those capable of understanding the sarcasm behind it while providing them with minor comedy alongside it.

I understand that English is an extremely flawed language (hence why the upper class of England used French throughout portions of the middle age and renaissance), but it is within human reason to avoid using pointless words in communication.
Of course, this doesn’t remove your freedom of speech nor your right to make pleonasms, so feel free to ignore this message in its entirety after asking.


Human quirks of speech are part of necessary separators to differentiate eachother, there’s a reason people can sometimes tell eachother apart from how we speak alone, and why there’s so many words that mean the exact same thing. If we all dedicated ourselves solely to speaking in the most efficient way possible, all the life would be drained from social interactions and we’d just sound like ChatGPT.

Yet another reason to dislike the br*tish :frpensive:

talk in wingdings so no one can read or criticize your speech

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You say that when the existence of the United States of America has some of its roots in France too.