Epic forum quotables

you heard me

how do i quote

oh hey thay my post

drag your mouse ( or click and hold someone text if on phone ) across the tetx you ưant to quote ( makimg them blue thing ), the quote button will automatically appear

Go it, ty

This is the best thing I got quoted for
and I love it!

Bad publicity is Good publicity


But fr, MLP is a good kids show

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MLP is the best and worst thing to came from 2010

This is perhaps something I kinda regret saying back then

its… a lyric.

can’t change that.

It still does kind of shocks me I didin’t get a warning from that

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not this?

not judging or smt, i respect a man who knows what he wants :person_shrugging:

A story of Iris in 3 parts:


@Zel :wave:


I mean I’m not wrong though

I seriously do not think that ANYONE in the AO community thinks water looks better over explosion, it’s just not possible.

Ngl water doesn’t even look that good in general, outside of the shockwave explosion, which is admittedly alright I guess, but explosion has way more flashy things about it that water simply can’t compare against.

you can put YOURSELF on forum quotables???

zel said it should be here so i took action

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