Epic forum quotables

no wonder this topic has 1440 replies when its 80% yapping

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big brother maple is watching

well this was literally made to talk about people talking, it’s yapping about yap

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do you fear god? do you hear the blood of the wounded stream down the mountains where humanity will eventually lay?

“nothing happened… 09/03/2024”


is that a toothbrush

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Chat, I’m calling in an orbital samurai reaction on maple. Long live the bushido code :pray: :pray: :pray:


In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by members of this group.


Q is blast/crash
E is explosion/smash
F is beam/shot
R is snare/rush
X is leap/airstep
V is pulsar/selino
C is surge
Z is aura/focus

requested by op

dude was suspended permanently in 2021 what…

What is buddy rb1 doing I have GOT to contact him…

maple is smoking something rn

Mod abuse

Can we get an @ vetex everyone?

mapel im criyinig rn :sob:;; inm wghty did you rmeove rpic form ueiouqtabkes? :sob::sob::sob:
i loved her!!
i amg o9inikg t o be sasdij n until thje en d ofm y npathemtic andm erisrable luife…

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maple takes away all the good topics chat

Wtf happened for this to get unlisted

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This is lame as shit wtf

(Who’s gonna tell him?)