Epic forum quotables

don’t include me with them dawg :sob::pray::pray:

rb1 could literally be any of us, we expose everyone including ourselves

you’re rb1

nicky are you okay (this is a check up on your mental health)


What’s the point of having a private groupchat if you’re gonna leak all of it


Not all of it☝️

it was meant to be for funny quotes :confused:

What the hell is that chatroom?

Elite social club for the wealthy and famous and likable non social rejects


Yeah it seems to be a correct description

yall stupid i didnt post anything that bad

that is not even 1% of it

gotta be inspect element
quote it

Wait I can frame people now
Please don’t use this falsely on anyone :skull:

Wouldnt let me

As I read all of this, my contemplation of leaving the forum beckons ever more. Everyone, I’ve been going to therapy, and I can say that it does help. All of you please seek it out.

this place really was better when it was unlisted

nearly perfect apart from the pfp…

nvm it changed :fire: