Epic Rap battles of history... Arcane Odyssey, VERSUSS, HELLLOOO KITTTYY!

yo check it!


Don’t let the car games win.
And ESPEICALLY don’t let the jello kitty game win.

How is working with an overly simplified cat immersive?


I hope AO wins the award

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Best immersive environment and the environmental stuff isn’t even 100% done :muscle:

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There is no way hello kitty got best immersive nominee :skull:

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That’s what I’m saying!!!

It doesn’t deserve it!!!

If arcane odyssey wins it will get more recognition and more daily player count proving the dead game allegations wrong.

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More players means more good things about the game and I’m all for it.

More popularity would be cool for a game that basically created my childhood. (AA franchise)

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Woohoo more people coming to the forums to complain about hunting

Is there a way to vote yet?

idrk tbh

Vetex said that this one might be chosen by Roblox so it might not be votable for us at the place

I love giving awards about community made games to a sponsorship

istg it better be AO that wins because two of them are literally just games about cars and one of them is a FUCKING HELLO KITTY CAFE

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the car games literally look like they’re by the same person why are they on there

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Which is why it will win, I’m sorry but it’s an objective fact that The Hello Kitty Cafe is superior to AO in all ways including immersive environment

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It’s not a game. It’s a experience.

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Fr they should of chose one of the two then got a different nominee, it’s like trying to pick between Jumping Simulator and Jumping Simulator X


if it’s chosen by roblox then hello kitty is 100% going to win

sponsorship moment

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