Epicenter Showcase

I’d personally recommend an archaic warship hull, 4 speed deckhands, hasty archaic sailcloth and sailors for the crew.

Siege weapon and cannons are completely optional, though take Iron Carronades if you must bring guns.

At what speed will you make it so no NPC brigs can catch you?

Also, can the epicenter only spawn in insanity 4? or anywhere? (I think its insanity 4 right now but correct me if i’m wrong.)

Around 90ish speed from personal experience.

Massive congrats! I just found the Epicenter myself, and let me tell you, it is a huge relief to have the badge and to know I won’t have to go that far into the Dark Sea for a long, long time.

I took like 19 photos, but most of them are really ugly compared to yours so I’ll just send the most interesting ones.

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I was too tired for photography when I found it but here’s 1 picture I managed to take

Im glad more people are epixenterizing, yknow?

Anybody knows whats the world record on reaching epicenter???

For most times reached or quickest time reached?

This truly is… an epic center, the culmination of our rogue lineage that has been deepwoken in our arcane odyssey for the secrets of this world of magic under a verdant moon. All arcane adventures lead to this fantastic frontier.

Pretty sure there’s two significant events in lore. First, the attack from Durza that missed Theos and wiped a significant portion of the world. But also second, the time Durza blew himself up in battle with the Peacekeeper. What if there’s technically two epicenters in lore?

i think the place where durza blew himself up is absolutely obliterated, since it basically got launched out of the earth when he did the kamikaze

wasnt that retconned, im pretty sure he just fucked the place up

It was a big enough explosion for people on the literal opposite end of the planet to suffer massive storms for a good week straight if I’m remembering all the details here right.

If that chunk is floating around in space, there’s a massive chaos-curse-nightmare-horrible meteor floating around that would absolutely ruin whatever it lands on BEFORE it lands.

This actually makes me wonder what the planet the game takes place on actually looks like from… lets say the moon.
Given that the dark sea covers most of it, I’d have to guess it looks pretty bad.

Well, I mean the stuff about Durza blowing a massive chunk out of the planet is removed, seeing as the continent rising to replace said chunk is missing, and remember, Chaos proceeded to amplify the boom by majorly fucking up shit, probably accidently hitting the other sea clusters while it was murking the seven seas.

this truly is an arcane odyssey

I’d forgotten this thread existed, ngl.

I wanna head to the Epicenter one of these days, myself.

Truly an arcane adventure to the epic center of the dark sea, the deepwoken location in this world of magic

What a nice, funny little thing to say.

The Lord is testing my ability to resist Roblox brainrot.

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