Equinox Magic Confirmed


Has a discussion been made about this yet? Equinox has been confirmed and planned as a primordial magic which I find amazing. Probably will be my favorite primordial. Second Art of Order, third Promethean Fire

But yes I likes. Well I mean I’m biased since I made the suggestion but like yes.

Ohh thank you and sorry for extra topic :sweat_smile:

“A perfect balance of light and darkness”
“due to its imbalance”


Oh lol, yeah that’s contradictory

White fire is cool :sunglasses:

i think i made mine first not sure, it’s a small discussion that barely goes into detail tho lol

Gimme it plez

perfect balance as in equal amounts of them together

extreme amounts of damage and destruction because of their imbalanced reaction

Yeah you might have. I was surprised reading vetex’s reply–a happy surprise though

My day has become amazing.

“a perfect balance” and “its imbalance”

also still not sure what equinox is exactly (other than a combination of light and dark)

For those who were curious here is the original suggestion it goes into detail about the now NOT canon lore behind equinox.

Since we’re on the subject of equinox, might as well bring this up.

Someone went out of their way to make a mock-up of what equinox could be.

Note that this is not official or how it will be in WoM, just thought it was worth bringing up.

(had to record this on graphics 1 because my laptop decided to be a piece of junk)

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Ah yes this is from Magics and Curses which I linked in the suggestion I believe.

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Forget whatever Prim magic I had listed for that one topic, I’m going Phoenix and Equinox because they’re cool.

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shit i didn’t notice they already put it there :fr:

white water is better :sunglasses:

YeeEESS it is

Nuclear bombs in wom

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