Erm... where mage nerf?

vetex is not copying the 1,1 meta lmao

Tbh he don’t even have to nerf mage if he gives the other classes their mobility moves back


Imo Mage doesn’t need a nerf all veetx needs to do is like nerf the surge AOE by like 25%

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surge needs a worser nerf than that fr

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“mage doesnt need a nerf”
“nerf surge”


Considering this is a revamp of world of MAGIC, in a world that revolves around MAGIC, we should really expect this (not an excuse of course but im not surprised either)

Arcane Odyssey fans when the Mages are more favored than Warriors and Berserkers (what a shocking discovering in this arcane world of arcanery)


You think this is bad? This- this arcanery? He’s done worse. He nerfed our mobility into a sunroof!

I Agree. Even if you argue we just need more mobility , mobility is not going to save you from the planet sized placed explosion and gold crystal user placed right next to you that does 400 damage.
Ever since the game released the heavy metals have been broken and still are. I suggest we take back some of the damage (still have it be the highest damage) and alot of the size on the explosions especially placed explosions

Vetex was taking notes on pulsar and I bet hes gonna add another rare spell and make it OP

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i think the issue is that the balance team is balancing whats currently ingame, and testers are balancing whats gonna be in the next update

I feel like they aren’t the best at balancing yes everything is not perfect but surge was poretty avoidable it got nerfed then got buffed

now that you mention it, if surge is this busted now then we’d better thank our lucky stars that it didn’t come out before it’s 90% damage nerf

Noober said It could do 6k damage lol

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