Erynthos- the criminal hideout of the Virmir sea (WIP)


The criminal base of the virmir sea, built on the abandoned wreck of a keraxe settlement.

Theres a sword stuck in stone at the waterfall that only a powerful oracle can wield according to legend.

While it is a criminal hideout and trading outpost, there is no sign of assassin’s except for the occasional maestro or lord buying supplys. This is because it isnt really abandoned as Keraxe still checks in for information about their enemies. Its a deal they have. Criminals get the island in turn that they find out info about other kingdoms and events.

PS: if the images dont show in the discord could someone post them.


i really like this! all i recommend is that you add some variation and detail to some of the walls, the larger ones look quite flat and plain, you’ve got a good backstory and some interesting lore behind it too. the shore could look better too, try making the middle of it extend a bit further into the sea than the rest, it looks good when paired with rocky shores.

also i was wondering if you recreated the models from scratch, or found them from somewhere (if its the latter pls slide me a link, i really wanna make my own AO inspired stuff)

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I get asked this alot.

Some stuff i made, other stuff i got from friends.

Im going to add keraxe flags and other things on the walls, maybe a big bridge going across the ravine.

I also have to expand the outside of the island out to be alot bigger as im planning on making an abandoned keraxe mini castle somehwere on it.

The island will turn into more of a cresent shape eventually


okay, cool, thanks for letting me know

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“neviro, how big is erynthos?”


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vimir sea leak no way!!!

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i was told that some things like barrels are toolbox. I found the crate model tho

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sorry to ask yet another question but if you make modifications to the graphics, how?

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If you mean rendering then thats in studio settings. Click on file.

Anyway heres some updated pictures + a bandit camp im going to put on the northwest shore


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Wotan the C***rider

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