Essential Elysium Changes

Essential Elysium Changes
effort 4.9 10 quality 4.7 10 reasonability 5.0 10

Seriously though i hope some of these changes gets considered / seen

guys ㅤㅤ

also remove the whole “visit a mountain to find Elysium” instead just make it a general game pass that works on all files so you can open Elysium on one file and join on another

I agree specifically with the requested changes, although the rest is sort of just ‘whatever’.

ye most of it is whatever but elysium creation black list and server list are the main main issues that needs to be solved

all of these are great changes

good ideas doey


In this clip yall would notice 3 key problems with Elysium.

First a random player who bought elysium accidentally joining my server not even knowing how to create an Elysium or how the system works in general cuz he didn’t had tons of outside help. ( Can make these players feel scammed)

Second it Kinda shows how messed up the ely creation system is as he got randomly put in my server when he should get his own elysium. ( I gotta make vid showing fully how the Elysium creation system works and how messed up it is)

Third i cant even regulate my own elysium as random ass people who i have no connections roo join my Elysium and mess it up making my elysium laggy. And if i kick them they constantly rejoin/ keep coming. If we had a ban system and server lock this issue would be solved

it would be fully possible to fix the elysium creation if vetex just reserved a server for you, which can be done with pretty much just two lines of code. sure, the private server codes stay forever, but you don’t have to let us teleport to them. joining on a friend or username is good enough and it would allow for banning and server-locking without the possibility of revoking someone’s elysium access entirely

Ye i agree. I dont really care if he dont make elysium server code based. People joining through user is fine cuz as long as i have serverlock and a ban system i would be able to at least regulate my server from unwatned people. I just want the elysium creation system to again what you said reserve a server so i dont have to spend 20 minutes creating my own server

personally i think that consumables like cannonballs (for cfist) and potions in general shouldn’t be consumed when used in elysium (except for interchange potions and luck potions to prevent abuse) because elysium is used as a place to test out your builds and strategies to see if they work- having to consume an item to practice using it is counterintuitive

I agree

the system does not want this to die lol

I dont use Elysium but it helps!