Every guilds catch phrase

just say catch phrases for each guild

" "
-me, without a guild to catch phrases with

noble: noble winnin and your tears only increase our damage

“Honor the Sword, Set the flame!”

which guild poo brain

ik this is an old one but

“Violence is isn’t our answer.”

PvP guilds:
w-wAaaaah :frcryin: wAAaaah WAAA

The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it.The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it.The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it.The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it.The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it.The Lotus Order was founded to protect the sacred Lotus that is no more to be found, people believe the Order is cult-like, and have caused multiple massacres in Magius. They believe that if the Lotus is destroyed the universe that is known will collapse with the sacred Lotus flower. They are also known to do sacrifices to attempt to find the Lotus flower to once again protect it. .etc .etc

The Northern Skull.

''By the Skull. The Compass. And The Northern Star
We Surpass. Conquer. and Never Squander.’’

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Poggers fish. Carptel Fishin’


Me when
(me when)
carptel fishin’

per ardua ad astra


“For the love of God, shut the fuck up”

I would rather be guildless because of my internet insecurity of hating and cussing each other, having no good friend that plays WoM active is also the reason

-Guildless me

Your tears only increase our damage

you already know which guild

Most of guilds: We are friendly, we good at 1v1 and we can make this a better civilization.

Noble: Your tears only increase our (brain) damage.

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you should really stop having us live rent free in the back of your head


The Black Hand — Mors Ad Indignus

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