Every person that joins the forum at days visited at 1 be like

argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue argue
over something


either that or they ask for an oathkeeper and never come back

true lol

Or they immediately make a suggestion which is already planned in game discussion

Or they make an extremely edgy Introduce Myself

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the facts

Or… they play the actual game for 3 minutes and make a post on here ranting about how being jailed for doing crimes is bad and wondering why the shift button isnt used for anything.

That happened once. It was a fucking riot, even Vetex replied to it.

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My first post was a picture of a shark hehe.

I saw that. They didn’t even give the game a legitimate try before complaining about it. They didn’t even play for long enough to get an understanding of what the game was like.

If I’m being honest…

How the fuck did they get arrested 3 minutes into the game?

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Speedrun hehe. -Sweaty keyboard noises-
-heavy breathing-

IDK, but they didn’t play long enough to realize you hold shift to charge.

no seriously, was their first reaction just: “kill the townspeople”?

Hehe, some people play too much shooter games.


What shooter games have you been playing where you kill civilians in the first five minutes?


GTA lol.

ah, I see

The fact i maked a suggestion on game discussion