EXACT Logarithmic Scaling of Percentile Stats Calculated (REAL (LEGIT!))

imagine doing math

just when you thought Zalgos couldnā€™t get any worseā€¦

it got worse

Are you implying that the planet magius is on is round?


I guess flat earth was disproven in the lore

the planetā€™s still earth btw

Wait, donā€™t tell me the earth is flat in this gameā€¦

@anon50359812 Fast as heck

wasnā€™t it averill that proved the earth was round?

Proof must be shown

yes it was indeed

"Captain Averill was off on a journey to sail to the edge of the earth around this time, and discovered many lands and kingdoms on the opposite side of the world. He eventually sails all the way around the world, and ends up on the eastern shore of Magius. He was convinced he had found yet another kingdom on the unknown side of the world, however he eventually found out about the events of the Cursebeard War and pieced together that this continent lay on top of the ruins of the Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Seas. And thus, humanity discovers that the earth is round.


Evidence moment
