Excerpts of Progression

A bead of sweat rolls down my cheek, as my hand hovers over my sword.

Don’t poke the bear. Don’t poke the bear. To be totally honest, I don’t regret anything.

Humanity hasn’t made it this far from not poking the bear. We constantly poke the bear, in war, in life, in love, in everything. Things go from poking the bear. The phrase “don’t poke the bear” came to be from poking a bear.

Maybe I shouldn’t have “poked the bear”. Maybe I should have just gone home. A sword that grants the user the power to cut open the day and let night bleed in probably never existed anyway.

So, as our friendly neighborhood metaphorical bear approaches, whoever’s listening to this livestream, make sure to like, comment, and SMASH that red button! If I don’t make another video after this one, please watch my older videos, they’ll be just as quality as this stream.

Stay tuned… because I’m about to kill a dragon, live!

The three swordsmen stood, tense, their blades pointed at each other.
Lily found herself in a difficult position. A lot of people would find being in the middle of three tense, ready to strike swordsmen a difficult or maybe even uncomfortable position. The air felt a bit cooler.

But Lily didn’t get here by complaining about constantly getting put into difficult scenarios.

“You guys realize this is exactly what that guy wants, right? That little slimeball. This is the outcome he was hoping for! He wanted to plant seeds of-”
…She stops herself, before finishing the sentence, but the words have already been spoken.

“I never trusted you guys from the start.”, said the swordsman with a shortsword.

“Is that because you didn’t want to get attached before you betray Lily and I?”, said the swordsman that Lily arrived to the gauntlet with.

The third swordsman was silent, not sure who he would cut first, if someone made the wrong move. In his eyes, he’s surrounded by enemies at the moment.

“None of us are betraying anyone! While you guys are standing here like a bunch of idiots, the real enemy is actually getting away. I can’t believe this is the party I chose. I should have went with the barbarians. At least they’re gullible.”, said Lily, halfway trying to convince, and halfway just complaining.

Suddenly, the sound of a light turning on could be heard from the tense silence. The swordsmen didn’t pay attention to the sound, but Lily turned to see the source.

It was a slimeball, and it had just activated a trap.
“There it is! The slimeball! We literally walked right into this one.”

Lava spills out from dispensers, and closes the exits to the gauntlet arena off.

“Great. Just great. Now we’re trapped.”, Lily mutters.

The swordsmen lower their swords.

“…I guess we’ll come back to this later.”, said the swordsman who was silent before.

“I guess we will.”, said the one with the shortsword.

“No, we won’t! Can’t you guys see? Ugh…”

Lily finds herself as a needle in a haystack of stupidity. Luckily, she’s not an average needle. The slimeball and her are two of a kind.

This, is a goblin.

When you see a goblin, what thoughts go through your head? Imagine yourself walking down the street and seeing a goblin eating through someones trash.

“What the heck is a goblin doing here? Is that a goblin? Something stinks and it’s not me. I thought goblins didn’t exist! I should bring my phone out and take a picture or a video or something. Maybe I should run?”

Perhaps one or two of those thoughts would go through your head, but what do you think the goblin would be thinking?

Would you think the goblin would find you as another source of sustenance? Do you think it would be afraid of you? Or would it be just as confused to see you as you would be to see it?

This, is a goblin. And this goblin has a name.

His name is Timothy. He didn’t always have a name, but that was the name Jeff gave him when they met.

Jeff is a psychopath. So, the first thought that went through his head was…

“Man. This guy would make a great dummy for my latest murder.”

This sparked a long lasting friendship. Some may say it destroyed the goblin stereotype. Others say Jeff belongs in a mental asylum. And many others say he probably escaped from one.

Find out what happens next, in the adventures of Timothy and Jeff, Goblin and Human!

the end


My name is Lanewalker, or Dove, I’m conflicted on the name. I like to write, but I’m the kind of person to write an idea for a really amazing story, but never actually make it an official story. And so bares this post, “Excerpts of Progression”.

If you didn’t click off instantly because of the long short excerpts, then you’ll probably be looking for some sort of an official introduction. So, here.

  1. I’m Lanewalker/Dove
  2. I believe in God
  3. I’m good at art, I have a consistent artstyle, but I’m strictly traditional
  4. When I try to sleep, I end up thinking of brilliant game ideas or interesting stories, but when I wake up the next day at a time that would be fitting for writing, the stories come out looking like the walmart ripoffs of what I was imagining.
  5. Sometimes I make comic books. They aren’t that good though. When I write traditionally, I tend to get lazy. Typing is just sort of… I don’t know, brain-power enhancing, I guess? Faster, too.
  6. I’m a boy
  7. I’m 13 years old.
  8. I’ll be 14 on December 19.
  9. I’m bad at arguments.

Currently I’m thinking Dove. Or maybe Hivemind. No… that name is probably taken. Brain? Brian? Brian is so lame…

Oh. I’m still typing. Bye.

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the goblin one was nice

i liked the goblin one.

Welcome to the forums :clap:

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I’ve decided on Pedestrian

lane walker, street walker, path walker, all of them are pedestrians, right?
sort of?? a lane, street, or path is a road technically

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are you big (in weight)


also whats with the 15 second reply cooldown

the way you type

are you small(in brain size)?


now that i answered your question answer mine are you obese

I wasn’t expecting that answer. But no, I’m just average for a 13 year old in terms of weight

115 pounds last I checked(i’m not skinny though)

thanks for answering my question

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Nobody types like this. Or do they? No… they really probably dont. Maybe? Maybe? Probably not…

Rb1 really typed all this :skull:

yea and got asked if he was fat