Exclusive Content: Warlocks

Exclusive Content: Warlocks
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Exclusive Content: Warlocks

Currently there is no planned unique content for Warlocks, which feels slightly unfair given that Warlords have hybrid content, Conjurers are planned to have hybrid content, and Knights are very likely to get hybrid content. Ideally every class will have a mechanic, tool or otherwise that they can consider their own content.

Aggressor Spells

Aggressor Spells are a unique type of spell that directly intermingles with ones ability to use Fighting Styles, usually using their fighting style or altering it in a direct way.

Idea 1:

Aftershock - The user focuses magical energy into themselves, causing their strikes to create delayed explosions of magical energy for a short time. Requirements: 100 strength, 100 magic.

This causes your fighting style techniques to create delayed damage aoes. You can customize the number of times it can happen from 1-5, the size of the aftershocks, and the delay of the aftershocks, every one of these options scaling how much damage they deal.

Idea 2:

Maelstrom - Create a whirlwind of magical energy around yourself, dealing damage around you. Your next strike harnesses magical energy to pull the enemy in. Requirements: 150 strength, 150 magic.

Deals constant damage around you, when you start casting your next Fighting Style technique, the whirlwind ceases with a final pull, dealing damage and dragging enemies towards you. Customizable size and damage ticks.

Arcane Techniques

Arcane Techniques are a unique type of technique that directly wields ones magic in tandem with their Fighting Style, casting spells in order to set up strong strikes or vice versa.

Arcane Techniques use your imbued magic, if your fighting style is unimbued it defaults to your first magic.

Idea 1:

Lash - The user casts forth a tendril of magical energy, dragging in enemies hit and following up with a devastating strike. Requirements: 75 strength, 75 magic.

Straightforward hook type attack, acts as a grab, customizable tendril length that increases damage, minimum range being 50%. Like crash, the range of the tendril increases with charge time, allowing you to snipe enemies at long range and pull them into CQC.

Idea 2:

Dynamic Entry - Leap into the air, approaching with a barrage of magic blasts. Then propel yourself forward and strike. Requirements: 125 strength, 125 magic.

An aggressive engage tool, the leap is a parabolic arc and, while grounded, you can charge the attack while moving similar to whirlwind, the barrage of magic blasts dealing low damage and automatically locking onto targets similar to Array. Afterwards you strike using a burst of magic energy to project yourself towards the cursor.

Customizable amount of blasts, as well as size of the follow up strike.

Reason to add:

In my opinion, all classes deserve unique content to at least some extent. Excluding classes from having interesting and unique tools feels lame, and fstyle / magic combo abilities are incredibly popular in media so there’s no shortage of inspiration out there.


I like this a lot. I am in full support of this suggestion

i love jerboa

Something something magic tattoos

Only issue is weren’t class exclusive spells confirmed for everyone?

I like the tether grab spell I think it fits in well with Warlock’s range/melee duality

I mean mages can do everything that others can but better

What does conjurers and knights have then?
Also, I disagree with this post since warlocks are already powerful enough

I like this, the only problem i see with it is: 1: kinda overpowered ngl, 2: would take a long time to implement maybe and would get bugged often (probably)

Yesss give us more warlock content

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Conjurers are getting Arcanium Weapons, and Knights are likely to get hybrid Spirit weapons, like blessed swords and whatnot.

Ideally other classes will also get hybrid stuff (Hybrid spirit weapons for Magic and Strength) so everyone gets unique stuff, I’m just starting with Warlock since they’d likely require the most effort since they’d need a full unique mechanic, instead of hybrid weapons like Warlords have now.

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