Excuse me, what

This bs keeps happening when I try to go on marketplace wth

Yeah, Marketplace is shutdown temporarily due to an exploiter causing issues last night.

Oh ok for how long?

Not sure, hopefully it can be added back soon today.

Alr ty (literally just spent 15 mins selling things to get like 30k galleons so you can imagine i was ticked lol)

the one where he changed the items names?

That one I think yeah

Sh*t me I thought it got reactivated.

I lost my sunken warrior bursting pants thinking it was working…
I managed to submit scrolls for selling, but my sunken gave me an error and evaporated without a trace. As a result I have no sunken and no money.

Check whether it works in Palo Town, I bought some net launchers during (i think) when it was shut down