Exiled Armor Meshes & Textures?

Does anyone know what mesh the exiled armor uses? And does anyone have direct access to it’s textures?

alv why do you need this?

i wanna try my go at making gfx with it

For the mesh

Exiled Bodypack

Exiled helmet

I only get his body texture from F9 dev command. I don’t find his helmet texture sadly

The texture is in R15 but I have made my own R6 version of it but with no crack

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I do need an R15 Version of it… and the helmet is kind of required too. Thank you though, this really helps

It’s R16 texture sorry. my bad
for his helmet, I don’t get the texture but if you have time to waste you can go to F9 dev command and try to find his helmet texture in Graphic texture and guest which ID is exiled helmet texture

I have made my own helmet version
but it sucked and don’t look accurate

it’s in R6. that’s why the texture looked different

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Interesting. I’ll just wait and see if someone has the helmet texture before I proceed. Thank you again for this. I think I know how to make it R15 Anyways so I’m not too worried.

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