Explosion has been leaked and possibly Ravenna


changed my mind fire is staying

surely if explosion looks this cool fire must look similar


yeah I know that

wanna see the charge animation though and the noises

no noise (Also this is old animation from months ago it might’ve changed)

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isn’t that like really old tho

pretty sure it had a revamp of some kind in a newer leak if im not incorrect

yeah pretty sure it did get revamped but unsure if it was ever leaked

well I guess I gotta wait and see what fire has in store for me

im hoping these flames are animated because they look fucking cool

(ik the second pic is magma but the burn effects look the same as fire)

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fire is simply winning

maybe I should make a guild called “trailblazers” and it’s specifically for just explosion, fire, magma, plasma, and lightning users (lightning is hot shut up)

We also got to look at speed aura spell with how fast the attacks were

That explosion beam is so awesome, I can imagine multi-beams feeling epic with those visuals. Explosion pillar vfx are meh at the current level but probably look amazing at higher tiers, same with charging (charging is vastly better than WoM tho).

Lastly, Ravenna looking thicc

The beam looks cool (and loud) but im unsure of what it’s supposed to be. It doesn’t look like anything too explosion related so I was just thinking it was gunpower or something.

Alabas- I mean Ravenna looks beefy

they have magic on their hands (flaunting probably) (or mode?)


how did you find my minecraft village

Explosion leak but still no Shadow leak

I’m willing to bet it’s mode

hype :nod:

Still waiting for sand leak

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