Explosion magic uprising

Dear Explosion Magic Users,

It’s time to show the world what you’re capable of! As Explosion Magic users, you have a unique and powerful skill set that sets you apart from other magic users. Your ability to harness the explosive power of magic is both awe-inspiring and devastating to your opponents.

So let’s show the world that Explosion Magic is the best magic out there! With your explosive powers, you can blast your opponents into oblivion, leaving no doubt as to who the true champion is. It’s time to rise to the challenge, hone your skills, and show everyone what you’re made of.

But remember, being the best means constantly improving and refining your techniques. Don’t be complacent; continue to push yourself to new heights and discover new ways to use your magic to its fullest potential. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

So let’s show the world that Explosion Magic is not just a flashy trick, but a force to be reckoned with. Let’s dominate the competition and leave our opponents in awe of our explosive power. Together, we can show the world that Explosion Magic is truly the best magic out there!

In conclusion, dear Explosion Magic Users, it’s time to rise to the challenge and show the world what you’re capable of. With your explosive powers and unwavering determination, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. So let’s go out there and show the world why Explosion Magic is the best magic of them all!

An ai definitely wrote this.

Nooooo ai didnt do this

Maybe but you dont have proof

Lots of reiterating, uniform, and the use of uncommon, inconvenient grammer.

Most of all its very bland and you could swap out the word explosion for anything and it would have the same tone and be relatively coherent, which is a primary marker of anything written with ai. If it isnt, idk what to say but sorry ig lol.

explosion magic users are literally everywhere I think you guys rose up quite a lot already


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Wait people really use explosion? I havent seen anyone using it in past 20 hours

explosion and ash mages are quite a common build ngl

Fine, but still if i had any better idea this situation would nit happen

Now imagine me who choosed magma

that’s also really common

I wanted to create some good combo since last magic i had was lightning but now i see it was worst option to do

You have only used the very most common magics lol

And lightning too??? Diversify some damn

I spent like 160 hours on same file so I think there are results of it

I wasnt saying it was weak, just basic

this sounds like something megumin would say

At least it help me to hit when my aim just doesnt exist
