Explosion - Representing Madness

watch out for that falling debris monkas
ash and water (maybe) tomorrow


W h y d o y o u a l w a y s p o s t w h e n I d o n ’ t h a v e l i k e s

Though I can see the stuff behind this. Since pretty much all explosion users just love causing threats.

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lemme tell u rn its a good thing i can edit my posts. im so exhausted (not from this but from my job) that i didnt see the weird colors i put on the silhouette

and yes, i was gonna put dismay aka fear but i was like nah

falling debris would probably damage people in later updates of the game MonkaS


Finallyyy this is awesome!

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Oh yes dude. I’ve been waiting for this.

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Saving this because it’s awesome :>

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this got 10 likes in 30 minutes woo

Once you finished all the elemental artworks, would you draw my character or a server icon for my guild if I commission you? :smiley:

cough back of the line, please

I’ll most likely be opening a little while after finishing. (hopefully the update doesnt come out during that time or else ill just playing wom instead of commissions lmao)

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hmmm today I shall cast high jump spell with explosion magic
oh god oh fuck

Ahh okie dokie ^^ let’s hope so :smiley:

haha :joy:

Madness, mayhem. That’s Explosion alright.

fun fact: every single character with explosion power is

  1. clinically insane
  2. mentally insane
  3. hot headed
  4. angry
  5. menacing
  6. full blown out explosive freak

Just made an account after seeing your art here for so long, shame that there’s a like limit. This is great!

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How the hell do you use crystal but not have a work done for that?