Exposing Darkz as Calico Cat's Alt

sup bruddahs. this is going in off topic cause pogers… anyways

yeah, darkz is totally calico cat.

supposedly calico cat just ‘gave’ this darkz guy his roblox account

well. theres no reason that calico would just ‘give’ his account away. i mean, who would?

it’s confirmed that darkz is lying about their magic, if you look at one of their posts on marketplace, it’s clear that you can see a magma spell list in a picture of a sunken he got. his account says wood though… so who had that sunken?

calico cat’s account states that they use magma, so… yeah.
it’s confirmed darkz has ownership of calico’s account.
so what?
well, according to a post of his that was closed… he didn’t have a reason for being an alt.
according to some fellow forumers, darkz registered using CALICO’S ACCOUNT. there’s no reason he should’ve done that, since its supposedly his ‘alt’. so…

yeah its totally obvious calico went on an alt to avoid being hated for overpricing his items lmao

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this is just speculation… but calico hid it so badly lmao


I can provide the screenshots if u want @puck

It’ll only be a bit of a scroll

Of course darkz is lying about his magic…

Why else would he use wood?

Me and a few other traders were “harassed” by Calico in discord a while back. I just took action.

taste the fury of this sleep-deprived boss drop trader!

send them here bruddah

I gotchu

His discord name changed overtime, but rest assured his tag stays the same

Darkz’s profile says he’s using wood magic. The screenshot has Magma magic.

I also joined his server several hours earlier today by coincidence | he left immediately lmao

Psh, no one would use wood magic out of free will.

And what about that other account that reposted Calico/Darkz’s shop?

@yDeveloperKVC this lad

oh boy, another piece of evidence on how much calico hates me!


your balls are busted. consider yourself hated by a roselight gm.


guild master you idiot

thats because i was looking for trades loser

poor attempt.

there’s like 300 people in the discord, most of which saw the messages about you, so don’t expect many customers who are in roselight or are allied with roselight and are in the server… tbh any good trader would avoid you