While playing this game, I very rarely stay above 50-ish FPS… At most, while standing still in an empty server, I’m at 60fps.
While fighting people, or NPCs, my fps dips below 20… sometimes, it even dips down to the range of 2fps to 5fps-ish.
While sailing, I never get above 40fps. As soon as I get close to any island, sea monster, ships, players, big waves, or anything that isn’t plain water, I immediately go down to 10-20fps.
I can play almost any Roblox game on max graphics (10) + RoShade, and stay at a stable 60fps (100fps-144fps with fps-unlocker, capped at 144fps).
I can barely play Arcane Odyssey even at minimum graphics (1), regardless of any external boosters (I have tweaked NVIDIA 3D settings to always prefer maximum performance), without constantly seeing fps dip all the way down to 2fps… (I also have VFX quality turned to “Low” in AO settings)
I’m running an RTX 3080, i9-11900k, 64GB 3200Mhz RAM, and playing on 2560x1440 resolution… and somehow, still seeing terrible performance. So, I am wondering, is there any way to reduce strain &/ increase fps?
Also, I think it’s worth mentioning that when I first started playing this game on a fresh slot, I was on a stable 60fps with max graphics.
right now the main source of fps drops seems to come from old servers which vetex has mentioned on discord, so until vetex gets back to development the only thing we could do is wait unfortunately
Yes, it was. The huge difference in performance might be because it was just 5 (mostly) low-level players per server, instead of 18 mages spamming AoE moves… though, considering my computer, I doubt that it would - nor should - make much of a difference, even though it does.
I, then definitely, feel like there should be some sort of client-sided fps-“helper” that prevents all the VFX effects from loading, if you’re far enough away. If I am at Redwake, my performance most definitely should not be affected by players fighting over at Ravenna…
That would probably be a great idea, however I’m not so sure that 6 hours would be as good… I think a timeframe of around 17 hours would be ideal… though, that’s just my opinion/belief. If a feature such as this one would ever be implemented, I definitely think a lot of players would have less motivation towards farming, chatting with people, and overall playing the game - if they were forced to rejoin in the midst of it all.
doesn’t matter much, but from the experience i’ve always had with roblox is that at the 6 hour mark the performance definetly gets worse. and at like 10/12 would already be pretty unplayable.
people would leave a server at 6 hour mark anyway when the performance decreases. also who cares if you have to probably only server switch once in a day?
That is entirely false. I’ve always been in a rough financial situation, and I choose to spend my money towards my happiness. Your comment is absurd, and quite frankly unnecessary at the very least. I have worked very hard to get to this point, so is it not natural to question why Roblox - of all games, Roblox - is barely working?
Could it perhaps be possible that I posted this only to figure out why things are the way they are, and not because I have an apparent desire to be a show-off?