Eye Whites

Eye Whites

Thanks to Vetex for letting me post this (And Night for encouraging me), i’m happy to be able to share something with you guys :mariomug:



amazing OC @Flayire add to the docs

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It’s just my WoM OC (But I forgor to add the stubble :skull:)

Also new cape drippin’

i like the new capes they look sick

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For real!

Yees Withse

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Eye Whites™

Gonna put it in the docs once I get home.
Still in ya know.
I have two images to do :skull: one of them is censored because it’s a discord image

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Also demote cryo
Good leak spoiler alert :rage:

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Demote!11 Demote!1 Demote111

I agree cryomancer

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dmot dmot dmot :rage:

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Grrr! Riot! Riot! Boo! Hiss!

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Blocked + ignroed + dm closed + demoted + farmed + joins off + messages off + skill issu

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Holy wow that is a amazing picture
Nice to see your having fun in AO Cryo lol

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Thanks, I freaked out when I got it on video lol. Just screenshotted one of the frames of it from there. Record last 30 seconds is goated

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I can imagine what happens after the picture Lol

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I didn’t die, it went back down

Don’t remember if the testers killed it then or not

how could you cryo?
vetex trusted you!

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I’ve committed a mortal sin! Nothing can save me now!