EYTSH's CLOSED Shack - The End

EYTSH's CLOSED Shack - The End
convenience 4.722222222222222 18 fairness 4.705882352941177 17 trustworthiness 4.833333333333333 18

Woah big log

Slight loss but I donā€™t mind

Oh just realized I logged incorrectly, it was 5 hard oaths and 2 swift not 3

fat loss

Nah :yawning_face:

Also it just makes the shop cleaner :sunglasses:

certainly looks cleaner, but thatā€™s a shit value trade lol

It really wasnā€™t a big loss (arguably a slight gain :trol:) unless you actually see bad enchant boss armour as worth anything, because I certainly see them as valueless (which they virtually are)

want do u want for sunken boot

Ehhh Idrk just offer anything and Iā€™ll see if I like it.

sunken helm some halloweens and some rares?

best you specify those items

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What box said.

nimble sunken helm 2 mino helms probably 2-3 halloween items
and I can also give you a black omen mask which looks pretty cool

Gonna have to decline unfortunately, what youā€™re offering isnā€™t worth, also all halloween seasonals other than headless donā€™t have that much value soā€¦

wow shiny blue shirt

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Also want to add onto this just to make sure no unnecessary big arguments happens, assuming you see bad ench boss armour as valueless, and even if I said that 1 clean oath is worth 1.5 shit ones that would be 4.5 shit ones and the 2 clean wojs are worth 2 shit ones so thats 6.5 out of the 7, and I also got the armour which adds onto the value, unless Iā€™m having a gigantic oversight, thereā€™s no scenario thatā€™s a big loss hell even a loss at all unless you value shitty ench boss armour.

Oh yeah swift vastira, who gives a shit about that though :moyai:

I now have a new laptop and back into trading :+1:

didnt you abandon wom

Not really no


Level 60 sunken chestplate

Level 90 sunken chestplate

@Tetra-Chan get scammed kid

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NOOOOOO :frcryin: