Fabulous Forum Finds : The Game

Greetings Forummer!
May I welcome you to a small mini-game I have built on the forums! This is based off entries I have found on the forums, catalogued under my other topic, Fabulous Forum Finds. This mini game aims to recreate the “Find your own adventure” kind of books you may have read in your childhood.

Some ground rules and notes:

  • Please do not reveal / unspoiler sections of the game until you have been directed to that section.
  • Hover over each orange link or uniquely colored link to view hints.
  • Have fun!

Click me to go to the start!

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#131313',
      'primaryTextColor': '#CCC',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#FFF',
      'lineColor': '#39A080',
      'secondaryColor': '#252525',
      'tertiaryColor': '#223'

flowchart BT
classDef StartButton color:#0f0,fill:#131313,stroke:#0f0,stroke-width:1
classDef AncientForums color:#0AA,fill:#131313,stroke:#044,stroke-width:2


6[Start Here]

 6-----> 7["
You stick around
to answer the question.
Its not long before people
 <a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/what-is-your-favorite-magic-and-why/32/3?u=bio' title = 'The first user reply on the forums'>join in the conversation. <a>
6 --> 8["
You change your 
mind and wander 
away from the crowd.
8 --> 8_1["
You wander further 
and further away
The landscape ahead 
looks endless, do you continue?
8_1 -.-> |Nevermind|6.1[Return to the <a href =#Start>Plaza</a>]
7 --> 9["
A hermit challenges
you to solve his<a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/ancient-text-translation-challenge/8653?u=bio' title='It seems like nonsense at first, but there could be some sense to it.'> puzzle </a>
9 --> |The hermit drops a scrap of paper|9_1["
You take a look at the <a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/deciphering-the-language/1738/13?u=bio' title='The handwriting is barely legible'>paper.</a>
It seems to contain a solution to the puzzle. 
9 --> |You solve his puzzle|10["
You whisper to the 
hermit the answer 
to his question.
He is deep in thought 
for a moment, then 
hands you a key.
#60;You obtained a Stone Key!#62;
9_1 --> 10
10 --> 11["
The hermit walks away.
You are left to explore the realm once again.
11 --> 12["
A pair of moderators 
are <a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/macobre-meta-change-your-username/46989?u=bio' title='The OG name change thread'>handing out nametags.</a>   
You perk up from 
the crowd and manage 
to grab one.
#60;You obtained a Blank Nametag!#62;
11 --> 13["
A couple students are 
discussing a <a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/the-statue-in-ironport/19249/10?u=bio' title='An interesting fact about Ironports Statue'>statue they saw in a recent town. </a>    

12 --->13x

13x[To Be Continued]


(Reveal if you stayed to answer the question)

    flowchart BT
A["Please scroll up! :)"]
B["Please continue scrolling to reach your destination :D"]

A------------->|Oh hi there!|B
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#131313',
      'primaryTextColor': '#CCC',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#FFF',
      'lineColor': '#39A080',
      'secondaryColor': '#252525',
      'tertiaryColor': '#223'

flowchart BT
classDef StartButton color:#0f0,fill:#131313,stroke:#0f0,stroke-width:1
classDef AncientForums color:#0AA,fill:#131313,stroke:#044,stroke-width:2
classDef TrustedLads color:#AA3,fill:#131313,stroke:#550,stroke-width:2
classDef OutsideForums color:#CCC,fill:#252525,stroke:#AAA,stroke-width:2


1[Start] --> 2["
Before you stands a set of large marble gates.
<a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/welcome-to-the-arcane-odyssey-forum/7?u=bio' title = 'It waves at you'>You are welcomed by a tiny robot.</a>
2 --It prints a small piece of paper from its chest --> 3["
<a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/official-forum-rules-and-guidelines/26192?u=bio' title = 'The title is printed in comic sans'>You read the document</a>
2 --Continue on to the gates--> 4
3 --> 5["
It gives you a satisfied smile and rolls away.
You gain a little bit of joy.
5 --> 5_1
5_1["<img src=' https://imgs.search.brave.com/xwWit_2XgTCpDK6-iqZL6haqlD2XTtYm-1ou16eoXEI/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YS50ZW5vci5jb20v/bG5iWkNxWWdGQ1VB/QUFBTS9jb21meS13/aG9sZXNvbWUuZ2lm.gif'/ width = 250 title = 'Image Test'>"]
5 ----> 4["
As you approach the gates, it opens on it's own.
It appears to be calling you to the realm ahead.
4 --> |Continue onwards|6["
A crowd is gathering in the plaza.
One of the patrons asks for your opinion on your favorite <a href='https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/t/what-is-your-favorite-magic-and-why/32?u=bio' title = 'The first user post on the forums'>Magic.</a>
6 --> |You stick around to answer the question|6x[Proceed to <a href='#TAF'>The Ancient Forums</a>]
6 ------> |You wander away|6x2[A new space awaits you!]
6x2 --> 6x3["You have no 
idea where you 
are going."]

6x3 -->|You return in shame|6

Begin your adventure here!


My brain is too smooth to solve the puzzle, even with the bot.
(This is entirely my fault as I’ve only used it to answer philosophical questions for the past seven years, making it lose any of its non-social capabilities)

i’m not ready :smiling_face_with_tear: