Fabulous Forum Finds

Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to kick a sleeping giant?


Seems I have some work to do



Div is alive!!!
Welcome back :D!

There’s nothing like a giant threat chasing me to get me going >:]

1 Like

We’re saved. We’re finally saved. It’s been too long.


Last post is half a year ago, never thought we’d get to this

Oh hey, did you remember to quote today?

This is but a small taste of what thhis place offers

(Forums Quotables still exists)

Also added 11 more finds :+1:
This thing takes longer and longer to save everytime and I’m afraid one day I will just break the forums with how many links I have embedded

download (8)

That’s a lot.
Still in June?

Yes… Still in june

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, July is on the horizon

im famous!

Wait seriously? How many topics were even there in June?

Too many market place topics.
I’m going to guess like 4k atleast

Wow, that’s a lot of trades!

simple, she deosnt need a partner

Should I read that wotan topic…?

don’t, it’s literally just an argument about morock

scroll through for completion but don’t fucking stop

About 80% of the “discussion” there is:
“Morock is the strongest”
“Vetex himself said that Morock isn’t the strongest”
Followed by some complete tangent where another character’s weaknesses or Morock’s feats are mentioned and the mention of Morock being weaker than cursebeard is forgotten.

You forgot wotan getting made fun of