I legit finished showering and when i came back to my laptop, I see this sitting on my Discord:

So they apparently banned me from the discord server for hacking another user’s account, which I never did at all. I decided to see if I was also banned on the game. To no surprise, I was, for a false reason too. I was perma banned from the game because I allegedly sent scam links to other users.
Is there anyway I can possibly appeal? I’ve never even sent scam links to other users nor have I hacked another user’s account.
have you considered that your own account could have been hacked and done this stuff? Or better yet, that we have literally no clue if you’re lying about the entire post or not?
I don’t think I’ve seen any suspicious activities on my discord or my roblox account, and i’m not lying when i say this.
I hate to tell you but “trust me bro” doesn’t really work lol.
Ever since the Aque incident I must say
Skill issue
Shouldn’t have clicked random links on the internet ngl
I don’t think I’ve clicked on any random links at all, since I spend almost all of my time working on models and playing games. I never even bothered to click on random links since it’s distracted by 2 things I do in my time.
we need like, proof of you not hacking some guy
Like what kind of proof though
Idk what even happened in the server but try searching up “From: rickwindows1” at the top right while in Vetex’s Games discord server. I don’t know if I even sent any scam links at all, plus I never even send anything on the server, I just joined to see updates for AO.
man, this is a sticky situation indeed.
and a pretty weird one considering you’ve apparently done nothing (which I’m inclined to believe as I have a feeling the reason this is the first time you posted was out of panic)
I kinda don’t know what to say, and it’s pretty hard to disprove a claim like that
I mean you could try arguing you weren’t even online at the time the ban was issued maybe? you said you were showering
I aint gonna lie, mods aren’t stupid in cases like that, so most likely you’re either lying about being false banned or someone in the mod team is about to be demoted lmao.
If it were to happen during when i was sleeping or when i was showering, then I wouldn’t even know since I would’ve been offline in that case, my laptop wasn’t turned on until I did check
do you have an alt account? maybe the game thought the person you were “hacking” was just your alt you were switching onto
That isn’t possible in this type of ban tho, otherwise he’d be self-reporting himself.
I’m gonna be honest, how the heck does the game (or the mod team) even know when someone is hacking into another person’s roblox account? that doesn’t seem like it really pertains to AO or is something that AO would even be able to pick up on.
I do have an alt account on Roblox but I don’t think it’d lead to somewhere, since I rarely play AO on that acc, nor it could be any evidence
Not roblox but rather discord, at the very least that’s what rule 1 indicates so pretty much checking is as simple as checking ip logs. What confuses me is why it also bans him ingame ngl.
@rickwindows1 Mind letting us see the error message ingame?
I don’t have an alt account for Discord, I only use my main and that’s it, I’m not so sure if a VPN would cause suspicion