Fan made Ancient Magic, Lock Magic

Lock Magic is an extremely rare but powerful ancient magic that can only be found in the deep ocean in the dark seas.

A magic user who is using this magic can summon long magical glowing yellow chains and when grabs its target, it can lock their movements for a day.

You can only move freely if the chains is no longer touching you.

The only weakness of this magic is it drains lots of energy magic out of the user, so the user needs to drink an energy potion to use it long enough

There is only one known magic user who uses this type magic…


Okay but seriously, nice art


The only magic that can stop it is key magic.

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I feel like Seal magic or Sealing magic is a better name for it


lol nice joke! XD

library of ruina joke

Ah yes, the parental lock magic

kid named on use restore 1 light
9-20 blunt die on hit increase cost of target’s page whose original cost is 4 or higher by 2 for a scene
5-9 block die

oh my fucking god its library of ruina

what if I use chain breaker magic?

And his arch nemesis would be LockPickingLawyer, the lockpick curse user

What’s that?

I can’t be the only one who thought of stasis from breath of the wild right?

You are not the only one.

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now we need key magic

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Silver Variant = Kurapika
