Fastest way getting to perfect cooking

Best way to get to perfect cooking is , have good amount of galleons

buy the following items from the food merchants
Apples , brown mushroom , bananas , white mushrooms
ravenna has 2 food merchants on ravenna which are the following spots in the images

once you buy them , go server hop until you have like good amount of the foods then start cooking

i will do one for brewing later on

how do i get perfect galleons

go dark sea and comeback with like 200+ chests

if only i wasnt poor :cry:

you can sell some of the food you make to get a bit of galleons back :+1:

Bro this is the most vague Tutorial I’ve seen

i think it was clear enough, cooking’s not too complicated in this game

buy ingredients
cook them

At that point I didn’t need a tutorial :fr:

This aint the fastest from my experience :sob: