Fat fish (war)

return of the being (based)

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oh no.
not you.

Oh hello my aquatic friend :smiley:

war, you say?
this either will be detrimental or helpful.

the amount of VPNs you’re using makes me want to die

first geko and now you?

ah fuck.

hi fishe
how u been in purgatory

you dont need avpn

I didn’t expect fish to actually say something without a hint of aggression hehe

I know you are probably an alt of someone but I dont know who.

As much as I don’t like you, the forums were better when you were here.



fish is finally sounding nice for atleast once

i dont think this is fishe lmao.
the fact that adiniz made a fake account pretending to be geko yesterday leads me to believe this is him as well lmao.

Yeah, my thoughts

i am infact fat fish

wait so that wasn’t really geko-

you seem to have changed
honestly, ill give ya a second chance.

well you seem a bit nice than last time ig so hi

no lmao.
he even sent the pfp he was using for the geko account in the AO forums discord server before the account was made.
