Fat W moment

Same dude who I got Swift SS for Red Dark Omen Mask from btw

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Bro what

is blud THAT desperate for equipment???

Seems like it

i can understand lack of will to grind but that’s a massive loss


macroer fr

yona is crazy man

@Yona what r u doing bro

yona gaming

@YonaRB wrm doe je dit :sob:

Deleted my post, nothing ever happened
Bad to leave PPL i trade with thinking i ripped them off intentionally

Yona knows this trade isnt in his favour so theres no ripoff at all

yeah, I didn’t speak to him he just send me this randomly

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My man he took a strong chest for clean chest clean helm forceful helm it didn’t seem like he was very charitable so i don’t think he knew

No i know he knows

He has done multiple stupid (in terms of value) trades in the past

yeah he traded me a headless + two sunkens for his headless

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I dont really need anymore sunkens :pensive:

wth W