Favorite Builds?

You seem to like War ngl

conjurer, because it’s super fucking cool

Only a little

I’ve only played Warlock and Conjurer, and between these my favorite is Warlock by far. I don’t like weapons, it takes too long to switch between them and the keybinds are annoying to memorize. I did have a lot of fun with my Conjurer, but that was only when I stopped using weapons entirely and played it like Mage :joy:

Warlock is fun because I love magic, and comboing with fighting styles is extremely satisfying. Plus the amazing mobility and cool visuals.

I’m not really a Savant main or anything but It’s by far my most favorite build.

There’s something I like about a guy only using a mix up of every basic mediocre attacks/low tiered skills defeating a mage with several powerful ancient spells, like a lone non-superhuman swordsman beating a fire-breathing dragon.

I definitely want to try Savant at some point.

Savant because I like using underrated classes

this holy sht, some weapon have similar skills but opposite location

some have q as a projectile, yet some as a dash/garb/ mesh them up can be troublsome

Warlord, i love slashing and punching ppl :+1:

we all know the conjurer is the best

savant because everything. warden because hp. warrior because i can’t handle 2 magic/fs let alone 3

bruh but you can handle 3 weapons

do you just use one weapon slot???

My fav is my fire conjurer, but i do got a lotta mages

Berserker or Warlock

Tbh I like every build I just like those ones more

My favorite builds are:
1.Warlord:Bigass AOE go boom + A Striking gale simp, i mean…the visuals…the sound effect when casting it…it’s just perfect.
2.Mage:Pulsar is the jack of all trades and you can’t deny that.
3.Warrior:Weapon Combo’ing is quite silly, basically a jack of all trades class if you know what you are doing.

conjurer and warlock is the best its literally all the current fighting techniques into 2 builds

Diverse skills instead if blast and smaller blast. less skills too. no i can handle three of those as they are unique enough and less skills

Just to add my opinion,

  • Warlock, he’s just a funny little goober who deals 400 damage with the right build

  • Mage, he’s fun at times

  • Conjurer goes here, idk what to say about this one, less flexibility unlike warlock

its warLOCK bruh