Favorite Builds?

What is your favorite build and why? (Ex. Conjurer, Juggernaut, etc)
Personally, mine is warrior (especially will be my favorite when all the weapons skills happen, and artisan weapons [or whatever they’re called] become a thing) just due to the flexibility in what weapons you use, and fighting bosses for their weapons is fun.

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mage, magic is cool

  1. Warrior: I just have an obsession with cool sword skills.
  2. Warlock: I can combine magic with some fun grab and smash skills, its just fun.
  3. Paladin: I like having higher health to tank more damage.

Honerable mentions:
Warlord: Its fun to use a fighting style and weapon skills.
Juggernaut: Funny Iron-leg defense aura go brrrrrr

Warlock :volcano: :muscle: :100:

Warlock and Warlord (I have 4 of em each)

Explosion mage… I think you understand why

Warlock, i love magic and mobility ( and not having to aim )

Knight is cool, will be even cooler when spirit weapons become a thing (never)

Fire mage

why? i like jack of all trades
why#2? its funny being able to use weapon skills, magic and still obliterate the enemy’s ship with canon fist

I like Conjurer, because some Magics have really nice looking imbues. (As an example, the motion lines of blades look cool when imbued with sand) (Yes, I just referred to the shiny trail thing that both marks where stuff like Flash Strike and Mirrored River pass through, and gets used for Flying Slash attacks as motion lines.)

1: warden
-cool concept

2: conjurer
-pretty enjoyable playstyle
-familiar to me because my first file was a conjurer
-also green

Warrior, I can have both long ranged attacks (that I don’t accidentally make unusable by simply always getting out of range of them) and great mobility

Out of those that I’ve played with?

  1. Mage - I just got accustomed to World of Magic’s lack of much else in terms of combat, and while it was fun tossing Dual Daggers around, those unfortunately got removed and I wanted to run a 3-Magic thunderstorm-based build.
  2. Warlock - Would’ve been Conjurer, had I not realized that Fighting Styles are easily the most satisfying things to fight with in the game.
  3. Fighting Savant - Sort of builds off of my Warlock. Also helps how I decided to give that file Wood Magic, which I found is fun to use (probably because nobody else uses it).
  4. Conjurer - I honestly think my magic choice for her (Earth) sabotaged my ranking of Conjurer. It’s at least a good build to use with the Magic.
  5. Paladin - It’s just Mage, but with less spells on the second Magic and less damage. At least you can get Auras.
  6. Magic Savant - I was wondering why the wiki recommended going with the Fighting Savant awakening, until now. Only up to Snare on Magic 1, only Explosions on Magic 2 (or Leap if you’re a creep), decent Weapons, and what feels like a somewhat useless Fighting Style, only having Crash and Smash. Yes, those are good tools to have, but the FS feels incomplete with just those two available.

Conjurer, lightning conjurer
i do not care if its trash (and if other players had this mindset the game would be so much better) lightning has and always been my favorite magic
conjurer is magic and weapons, so we get arcanium weapons and lost/ancient magics and stuff
also ive never even played any other build but my second would have to be
warlock cause it also has magic and strength builds sound cool
thing is tho weapon builds can choose out of hundreds of weapons (actually probably only like 10)
but magic have set attacks
then warlord

  1. conjurer
  2. warlock
  3. warlord

*annoying ( okay fine its funny… when im the warden )

and it’ll forever remain a cocept :innocent:



My apologies, that’s definitely blue and I don’t know why I said there was green!

its okay i forgive you, we all make mistake sometimes

you should (reset character) now! : r/GoCommitDie

Vitality may be green but its aura is blue

Also since magic is blue we can’t have two stats be blue so one had to be green.

Warlord, Warlock, and Warrior in that order