Favorite characters in media?

Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy is simply such a friendly guy that everyone rounds up to support him. Time after time, he goes around saving people and helping others, even with the negative connotation than he’s a pirate. Another trait that I really like about Luffy is that he has a set of core beliefs and sticks right to them. Now, this isn’t always good to stick to something and never change, but I believe that Luffy is always constantly changing because of the people he has met along the way and how they have impacted him. He just wants people to be treated fairly, but also wants to venture out into the world and see what it has to offer and become the Pirate King. In a world full of pirates, marines, emperors, Devil fruits, and many more, Luffy does not want to become Pirate King so that he would be considered the most powerful, but because the King of the Pirates has the title to claim the most freedom out of everyone in any sea. I can’t wait to see the ending of One Piece and what it truly has to offer since it’s beginning to wrap up in the next couple years.

Darth Vader

Darth Vader is often considered a cold-blooded monster, but that is what I love so much about him. To be honest, Vader has had so much happen to him, that from an outside view, it’s understandable to know why he became the way he did. Formerly Anakin Skywalker, he grew up as a slave in Tatooine. Then, he had to leave his mother behind to become a Jedi. Afterwards, after he has made this whole sacrifice to become a Jedi, he is told that he cannot become one due to his age. Not to mention, he is then burdened with the title as “The Chosen One” who will bring balance to the force, which is quite a heavy weight to bare. Next, his mother was sold off and killed, dying in his arms. He then slaughters the whole village there, which just adds more fuel to the fire. After that, Qui-Gon Gin gets stabby-stabbed. I’m sure you know the whole rest of the story as that is simply just a portion.

The whole point is that Vader has a very bad past, only to later be stuck in a worsening position by being by Palpatine’s side. Other than his story, he has incredible force abilities and is quite well-verse with his lightsaber even with his stiff bodysuit. Not to mention, he is feared not just by people in the Star Wars Universe, but by the viewers who watch the series as well. Finally, the best part of Vader is that he is simply recognized just by his breathing. You don’t even have to be a Star Wars fan to recognize the deathly breathing of Lord Vader. Vader is just a force to be reckoned with.


Scar has both the personality, and the look, to establish himself as a villain. Scar will sing about killing his brother with such ease, with backup hyenas may I add, that it’s both catchy and concerning at the same time. Unfortunately, Scar just didn’t have what it takes to be a leader to Pride Rock. I mean, even after taking over the place, you could at least try to make a difference in the kingdom, but no. He just send everything to the ground, not even helping out the hyenas who backed up his evil scheming. My favorite scene with Scar is when Mufasa died. He brought Simba as a means of bait, planned a herd of animals to run him over, and then throws him overboard when Mufasa almost makes it to the top of the cliff. Not only that, but in that scene, Scar says something that is forever remembered in Disney history. He clinched onto his brothers paws, took the time to get down to his level to whisper, and says, “Long Live the King.” Afterwards, releasing him to fall to his death. At the end of the movie, Scar had it coming and deserved whatever the hyenas did to him.

Big Mom

Big Mom is a chaotic mess, and that’s what I love about her. Starting off, her childhood is quite sad, but it also caused the birth of a powerful emperor in the One Piece world(You know what I’m talking about, she definitely ate those children :boy:.) I honestly believe that if she were to continue living the way she was and Mother Carmel didn’t turn out to be evil, she could of changed her ways and actually become a good person.

Okay, I have a question. How does this woman have over 80 children? The math doesn’t even make any sense. That’s not physically possible. On the topic of her children, I can tell that she really loves them until she feels betrayed by them. Even though there’s seems to be a hierarchy based on power, she has created a family around her that loves her and she loves back in return. Her Devil fruit is quite scary as she can make a whole army whenever she pleases. Even the forest on Whole Cake Island is made up of souls that she has collected from her citizens. Also, her view of having all the races come together in one place is admirable, bus messed up. It’s almost like a prison but with extra steps, but most of them like being there so there isn’t much to complain about.

Lastly, the reason why I like Big Mom so much is her personality. She is very bubbly and can become comedic relief, but she can turn sour real quick. As much as I liked the Carmel picture frame plan to work, I honestly felt saddened as from her viewpoint, Mother Carmel was everything to her. When it broke, it just saddened me.

Kazuma Satou


When you look at this man, what do you see? Well, I see the true epitome, the pinnacle, the peak, of true gender equality. This guy right here is very comedic and I admire his determination to improve even with the little power he has. I also appreciate his relationship with Megumin as he encourages her to get stronger and helps her after using her most power spell. I also really like his steal move and have even learned how to do the hand gesture, as weird as it sounds.

Ainz Ooal Gown

I’ve recently binge watched Overlord in about over 2 days and have fallen in love with this character. In most cases, overpowered characters are difficult to handle, but Ainz Ooal Gown is a force not to be dealt with. He has killed thousands of men all in one single spell, which is a feat in of itself.

With the backstory of the character, I feel sorry for him at times. Not being from the world, he often feels alone as none of his comrades are with him. When he looks at his followers, sometimes he laughs as it reminds him of the talks he had with his friends. Now, he can’t enjoy that pleasure as his subjects believe him to be a ruler over them and not on an equal level of hierarchy so to say.

Whenever I’m the series a problem comes up, you always know the outcome of what the fight will be, but it still interests you. There are many scenarios in the series where an enemy will think they can defeat Ainz only to be trampled by him. The only real fight in the whole series so far when it comes to Ainz is with one of his followers, Shalltear. Even then, Ainz still totally beat her.

Something else that I love about Ainz is that he’s almost similar to Buggy from One Piece. He gets lucky in so many scenarios that it’s funny. Every time Ainz does something, his followers think of him as some sort of mastermind even though he hasn’t even delved that far deep yet. Still, Ainz Ooal Gown is still very intelligent and very powerful. What’s impressive is that he is both skilled in combat and magic casting, where mostly all in the world that’s he’s in just use one of the two.

Dorothy Zbornack


Out of all the Golden Girls, I would say Dorothy is my favorite. Now, of course I like the rest of them, but Dorothy just takes the cake. Dorothy can be both fun and serious at times, but what’s special about her is the sarcasm that she has. It’s often even a running gag where Dorothy would say something and the other character may be oblivious to what she had just said, but a lot of the time they do understand. Dorothy also acts as a mediator in the home, similar to her mother, Sophia. She gets a lot of her traits from her mother and it’s very warming to see a lot of their struggles together during the show. Of course, there’s been a lot of times to where Dorothy is the one who needs help, which is understandable as she isn’t perfect at all. Even with her sarcastic remarks, it’s mostly all in good fun and the girls are all still friends. I often like to watch Dorothy compilations on YouTube as they are pretty funny to watch.



Needs no explanation.


Vetex is… NOT real!
15 Most Iconic Whitebeard Quotes From One Piece


I’d go on to explain more but I feel like this video kinda sells what I want to say. Been on this for like 20 minutes now and I’m not going anywhere, so I’ll leave it at that.

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you can’t just post a gif of the pirate king without elaborating