love Dead Sound, shit’s amazing
he can va, script, animate, model, paint, sculpt, draw, LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND HE’S SO LIKEABLE AND PASSIONATE ABOUT IT
love Dead Sound, shit’s amazing
he can va, script, animate, model, paint, sculpt, draw, LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND HE’S SO LIKEABLE AND PASSIONATE ABOUT IT
We’ve got a fanboy here
Jreg-senpai is one of my favourites (hot )
i am a summoning salt enjoyer
who tf is jreg
ah yes, the horny-baiter
impeccable abs
jake paul
alright i’m shitposting for the fun of it but i actually wanna share my favorites
I really like to watch content creators who have long-ish videos that I can listen to for decent periods of time
an example of this would be uh
He’s pretty well known in the DBZ community for voicing Goku and Gohan in DBZ Abridged however he has a lot of DBZ videos that would be pretty neat to check out.
Mainly his “What If?” series, where he talks about what would happen if certain events in the DBZ universe played out differently (This series also has a couple of stories that turn into their own miniseries on his channel, for example: DBZ: Revelation F which was a continuation of his “What if Frieza turned good?” story, and DBZ: R&R which was a continuation of his “What if Raditz turned good?” story)
cool watch check him out
at this very moment you are on a narrow ledge between life and death
Thanku fishu
And uhhhhh
Dnd less gooo
he should sue Marvel for stealing his idea