Favorite magic and why?

Not going to start an argument but Ink is one of the lamest looking magics imo. Though it’s dark liquid, the dark colors simply make it not look visually appealing for me, unlike Acid, Water or Magma.

I used to hate it, but I’ve really warmed up to black ink. Shame it’s getting removed in AO

ink = edgy water


if you like it no problem, enjoy it while it lasts, feel bad for your magic getting yeeted out of the game

ink is a good and bad magic in terms of looks

Yeah pretty much lol. I hope Vetex adds darker water colors :nod:

Abyss exists

Anything else would be a bit ‘‘unrealistic’’ imo, imagine deep swamp

pros: coloured water

cons: too dark

It’s just black water. Reminds me of oil. Lamest looking magic would be Earth imo.

gasoline magic?? :poggers2:

Moon light maigc, cause moon go brrrrrr

Moonlight, bcs light fast, I played light x2 in AA, and it’s porple

Purple Acid. First of all, purple and red are the best colors myes. Secondly, acid is mad fucking swag.

it was so good that Vetex himself had to remove it, god damn.

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Also, I’m not even sure how I replied directly to you instead of to the post, sorry about that :pensive:

poison bc it focuses more on DoT rather than raw dmg, pairs well w/Msize and looks cool

update on new favorite magics :

  • poison : funny clouds, gives a threatening feel with clouds, DoT and SFX
  • plasma : looks awesome, it feels fast with the help of SFX and visuals, and i like being a fast, mobile damage dealer in like probably every game with combat
  • wind : funny knockback lol thats it nothing else

struggling to choose between playing Plasma/Wind/Explosion or Plasma/Poison for AO soon

Orange Crystal since I like orange and I like crystals

Plus I like shattering effects

Looks awesome and makes me feel awesome.

lightning but tbh i kinda like fire more

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