
If the concept of matriarchy and patriarchy exist, then how about felidarchy?

Would you want to live in a felidarchy?
  • Yes
  • No
  • We already are
0 voters

what the fuck is a felidarchy

That’s what I’m saying

do you mean like… …cats are in charge?

yes cats ruling us

Why the fuck would anyone want to be ruled by cats?

I believe it is best to have a relationship with equal dynamics between all parties involved

this is a joke and they’re cute

actually are they already via owning us

Yes 100%

I like pigs dogs look up to us cats look down on us pigs treat us like equals

Cats like

don’t have thumbs

I don’t think they’d make very good rulers

plus they’re already in government anyway!
[I am not intending to cause any political discussion or discourse and are merely attempting a light joke reflecting the state of no particular government in any specific country]

No, your right

I was talking about pigs, not cats

fuck I missed what you were replying to :frpensive:

MEOW :cat:
(Complete sentence)

Mrreow :3
(the hivemind has escaped the tl3 lounge)


Perfectly balanced as all things should be
(watch as it immediately gets unbalanced)

MEWWO :cat2: