Well, Vetex added some gender customization to arcane odyssey, female names and clothes, but when I join the Navy or the Syndicate, I absolutelly have to get flat again lmao
It can’t be that hard to swich the body model on every clothing, just add a npc to choose your gender idk and make every cloth gender customizable
I agree
Pretty sure vetex already said he was going to add a select gender option to AO
you know JTN right? he was gonna ask vetex to make customizable uniforms to the grand navy and assassin syndicate where at major rank you would be able to make your own uniform using a lot of options, that got vetoed tho, VETEX, ADD THE CUSTOMIZABLE UNIFORMS IN FULL RELEASE, NOW!!!
oh yeah by the way it got replaced with different uniform options but thats still more limited than custom uniforms and cant include female uniforms on its own as it has to remain gender-neutral or something, idk man, there is a chance however, that there is female uniforms as options however, but thats a low chance anyways, we need faction rank rework and faction rank uniform customization whos with me
basedtex supporting trans rights!!
Is a female like some new lost magic I’m lost
Now I just need Vetex to ask Astral to model a better breast model or use mine
please do
what the model u made? or the jtn model
Incase you didin’t know. All of the female torso JTN uses for his model are made by me or Xeno
I know this is fake but Imagine someone makes a gel with that and goes running around changing people’s gender
I feel ya
hi rb1
Add boobs
Hi real rb1
Yeah I want to be literally vice admiral doll form one piece
Oh look a new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?
can we also have left handed mode