Ferminus and Dame quest needs a reward buff

Why would someone risk the chance of dying and needs a lot of parry block dodge just to get 4,909 xp when you can just collect tomatoes in the roughly same time for 6000+ hp

The quests arent just worth it, especially since theyre both way too difficult for their level. For a “challenging” quest the rewards suck. Same goes to Arish btw.

is this bait?

No? I just want to see people’s opinions

Unless you take like 20 mins to kill Dame, tomato quest takes forever when even a few tomatos arent spawned yet, since you gotta wait for the respawn timer.

But I do agree for how difficult Dame can be, just 5k exp isn’t very much.

Tho its kinda the same problem Arish Vista had, where the exp was way too farmable for its difficulty level, so increasing Dame’s quest exp may cause the same problem, albeit to a lesser extent.

Usually i do it as a side quest since there’s a lotta other stuff

Besides, there are some isolated spots like near the callisto, its very easy to get 10 tomatoes, i could get it in less than 2 minutes if im lucky

One more thing, tomato quest can be cone at lvl 93 but the fights are at lvl 105


Yeah Dame and Feremius are way too annoying for how much they reward the player.

I literally accept all the quests i possibly can when i get to ravenna, the Seashell and the Tomato quests usually are finished first when i do a quest spree.

I have said it once and i will say it again

Yes i know Dame is a title i forgor how to spell her name


The only reason that Caesennia and Ferminus’ exp is lower than tomatos is that they’re significantly faster and less tedious to farm. You can grab the quest and complete it in a minimum of ~1-2 mins if you’re good at fighting.

I once had the idea of Dame Caessina joining your crew if you beat her again at a higher level. That would work.

server hopping:

I completely agree with all your points. Whenever I fight Dame Caesennia, she spams her gun move 20 times in a row and instantly aimbots me until I die. My fights last over 10 minutes and I always die. The quest is simply too hard and I’ve even had an easier time fighting Calvus than her. The rewards should be buffed to 10k exp at the minimum as it’s really not worth it right now.

points valid but 1 problem: nimbus sea.

if you up the exp, the moment nimbus sea drops and the level cap is raised people will farm the hell outta either of them to quickly get to max before continuing the story (aka arish all over again)

Nuh uh, I’m exploring the nimbus sea for more exp.
I’m sure there’ll be more quests in the nimbus sea that we can grind

do cargos like me
ez exp

This why you hate PVE?