lord forgive me
heck yeah more fighting style mentor art
Not gonna lie, She kinda bad tho(caria)
These are amazing!! Never in my life did I think that the fighting mentors would get fan art of themselves but here we are! Great job :>
Dennis no longer suffers shoulder pain by much.
And now we wait for male sailor and boxing mentors
i showed this to my friend and he said “would” 4 times
should’ve genderbent sailor fist mentor and boxing mentor into men.
why wouldnt he (very good art )
it’s been a while since we’ve seen art of them ! loving the sketchy and rough style that you have ^^
oh my goodness gracious
why must the woman
That’s cool and all, but where are the genderbent boxing and sailor mentors?
Sailor fist mentor is in the Dark sea and he has became an alantean he teaches how to use Dark sea water into sailor fist in turn turning you into an alantean
How did this happen to them
genderbent Jern is pretty good.
But you’re a coward for not making male Caria and Souvella.
They’re still good tho
Rill and Ileg woman look like they’re about to commit mass genocide
nah tbh what wold thermo fist do tho